Tuesday 11 September 2012



(Parellel lines)- For all you students who do not what parallel line are click the link below.

Complimentary angles- is an angle that adds up to 90deg , theres not a way I can help you memorise this but i can however help you memorise what supplimentary angles is, Supplimentary angles is an angle that adds up to 180deg and just think of it this way, suppliments is a way to make your body bigger when of course in other terms means its going to be a higher degree.    

Corresponding angles- are equal cause there on the same side of the
trasversal which is the intercept of the parallel lines.

Alternate interior angles- Two angles that are on the opposite sides on the
transversal and inside the parallel lines are equal or in other words congruent.

Alternate exterior angles- Angles on opposite sides of the transversal and
outside the parallel lines.

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